To see what I’m up to and more about my latest sculptures and exhibition venues, visit me at Caroline Barnett Sculpture on Instagram
A visitor during Covid 19 lockdown
The garden has been a very quiet place for much of the spring, but a pair of sparring roe deer bucks chased each other all round both it and the orchard for about 20 minutes today. While pausing for breath, one of them suddenly noticed my fox sculpture, and after a moment of alarm had to reassure himself by giving it a thorough sniff…

Exhibition at the Gallery at the Guild
Springan: 19 April to 29 May 2019 at The Gallery at the Guild, Sheep Street, Chipping Campden, GL55 6DS

One of my hare’s heads in front of photos by Kate Barry.
Sculpture at Kiftsgate 2018
Kiftsgate Court Gardens near Chipping Campden in Gloucestershire host a sculpture exhibition from 4 August to 22 August 2018. The gardens are stunning, and combine so well with sculpture. Details of opening times below.
Exhibition at The Gallery at the Guild
The Gallery at the Guild, Sheep Street, Chipping Campden, GL55 6DS
Young roe deer pair
The young roe deer are now cast into bronze resin and able to enjoy some September sunshine. Like the adult deer, both are limited editions of 18.
Kiftsgate Sculpture exhibition 19 August – 6 September 2017
I shall be exhibiting with the Oxford Sculptors Group at Kiftsgate Court Garden in Gloucestershire from 19 August until 6 September. Nearly 100 sculptures will be spread throughout this beautiful garden.
Open from 2pm – 6pm on 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29 & 30 August, and 3, 4 & 6 of September
Finished sculpting young Roe deer pair
I have completed sculpting the two young roe deer which when shown with the buck and doe will complete the family. They are now in the process of being cast. This is the clay of the one lying down, just before being taken to the casting studio.
Marks Hall sculpture exhibition 29 July – 10 September
Nearly time to deliver my pieces to Marks Hall near Colchester in Essex for the biennial exhibition in the gardens and arboretum there.
Over 50 national and international sculptors are taking part.